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Welcome to
Ha Shariyam Shamayam Qahal

You’re Welcome Here

Hebrew Congregation 

Worship With Us


Shabbat Service 

Shabbat (Sabbath) is ordained by The Most High God, Yahawah.  Why we worship on the Shabbat?

  1. Yahawah Rested from his work on the seventh day. (Gen 2:2) 

  2. It is the law. Yahawah commanded us to "Remember the Shabbat day and keep it qadash (holy.) Six days shalt thou labor and do all the work. But the seventh day is the sabbath of Yahawah Alahyam. (Exodus 20:8) 

  3. Yahawah promised observance of the Shabbat would be a sign of his chosen people. (Exodus 31:13)

  4. Yahawahshai Ha Mashyach (Jesus Christ) observed the Shabbat (Mark 2:28; Luke 4:16)


Visit with us 

The temple is the integral part of the culture of Yasharal (Israel) and Yah's People. Our schedule:

  • Shabbat Worship 

    • Saturday (Shabbat) 12:30 pm ​

  • Achwath Palal( Women's Prayer ) 

    • Wednesday 7 pm ​

  • Ibar (Hebrew lessons) â€‹

    • Friday (Shabbat) 7pm​

Girl Praying

Our Beliefs

We believe we are the blood descendants of the Biblical Children of Israel according to Deuteronomy 28. We believe it is our duty and obligation to keep the laws, statues and commandments according to Dabar Ha Qadash (The Holy Word, Bible)



More Than a Temple

Gates of Heaven, a Hebrew congregation in Springfield MA, offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To know who we are ancestrally and Biblically according to Dabar Ha Qadash, to learn how to obey Yah's (The Most High God's) laws statues and commandments. To grow in their love of Yah's law and to be surrounded by their community. 
We are rooted in the history, language, laws and culture of the Yahawahdam (Ancient Children of Israel.) Get in touch today or come and visit us in person.


Yahawah Alahyam bless thee and keep thee. Yahawah make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. Yahawah lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee Shalawam (Peace.)" Number 6(24-26)




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Shabbat Service

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92 Hayden Ave Springfield MA

(413) 650-5512

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